Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
Sandy Surge Extent | The Sandy Surge data were created from field-verified High Water Marks (HWMs) and Storm Surge Sensor data from the USGS through 14-February 2013. HWMs and Surge Sensor data are used to interpolate a water surface elevation, then subtracted from the best available DEM, to create a depth grid and surge boundary by state. (description text source: FEMA MOTF website) | Sandy Surge Extent Map Service | FEMA Modeling Task Force (MOTF) | Sandy Surge Extent |
SLOSH Cat 1-4 | The Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) model is a computerized numerical model developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) to estimate storm surge heights resulting from historical, hypothetical, or predicted hurricanes by taking into account the atmospheric pressure, size, forward speed, and track data. Maximum of Maximum or Maximum of MEOWs (MOM) SLOSH data is used. A MEOW is defined as a Maximum Envelope of Water, which is generated by compositing several hypothetical SLOSH runs, each of which has the same category, forward speed and direction. This process results in a SLOSH grid that can be compared to the elevation grid. Digital elevation data is collected and an elevation surface created. | SLOSH CAT 1-4 Map Service | National Hurricane Center - NOAA | Sandy Surge Extent |
FEMA Flood Zones | This FIRM data service allows users to view FIRMs for NJ. Counties were combined using the data downloaded from FEMA's Region II office. | FEMA Flood Zones Map Service | Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) | FEMA Flood Zones |
Total Water Level (0-20 ft) | This dataset illustrates the scale of potential flooding, not the exact location, and does not account for erosion, subsidence, or future construction. Inundation is shown as it would appear during the highest high tides (excludes wind driven tides). The dataset should be used only as a screening-level tool for management decisions. As with all remotely sensed data, all features should be verified with a site visit. | Total Water Level Map Service | Total Water Levels | |
Sea Level Rise (0-10 ft.) | This dataset was created as part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office for Coastal Management's efforts to depict potential sea level rise and its associated impacts on the nation's coastal areas. The purpose of the mapping viewer is to provide coastal managers and scientists with a preliminary look at sea level rise and coastal flooding impacts. The purpose of this dataset is to show potential sea level rise inundation above current Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) for the area.This dataset illustrates the scale of potential flooding, not the exact location, and does not account for erosion, subsidence, or future construction. Inundation is shown as it would appear during the highest high tides (excludes wind driven tides) with the sea level rise amount. The dataset should be used only as a screening-level tool for management decisions. | Sea Level Rise Map Services | NOAA Office for Coastal Management | An online mapping viewer depicting potential sea level rise and its associated impacts on the nation's coastal areas |
SLR Mapping Confidence (0 – 10 ft.) | Inundation Uncertainty Associated with Elevation Data and Tidal Datum Conversion for Sea Level Rise. The purpose of this dataset is to depict errors that are directly related to elevation and water height data. These errors can be used to begin defining areas with mapped inundation that do not have the same level of confidence as other areas. For a detailed explanation of mapping methods, see | SLR Mapping Confidence Map Services | NOAA Office for Coastal Management | An online mapping viewer depicting potential sea level rise and its associated impacts on the nation's coastal areas |
MyCoast Flood Photos | This layer shows localized flooding photos submitted to the New Jersey MyCoast portal. This layer is automatically updated as public users of MyCoast submit additional photos to the High Water photo collection tool. | -- | New Jersey MyCoast High Water Reports | Photos submitted to the New Jersey MyCoast High Water tool |
Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
County Boundaries | New Jersey County Political Boundaries. | County Boundaries Map Service | NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of Geographic Information Systems | New Jersey Political Boundaries |
Municipal Boundaries | New Jersey Municipal Political Boundaries. | Municipal Boundary Map Service | NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of Geographic Information Systems | New Jersey Political Boundaries |
Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
Wastewater Treatment Plants | This dataset combines facility data from US EPA's Facility Registry Service (FRS) and Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) for wastewater treatment plants. This dataset combines FRS facility data and derived attributes with ICIS wastewater treatment data, and has been presented to display Publicly Owned Treatment Works and Federal facilities. | Wastewater Treatment Plants Map Service | United States Environmental Protection Agency | Displays different categories of Wastewater Treatment Plans based on ownership |
Energy Generation Facilities | This feature layer, utilizing data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), displays coastal energy facilities that generate electricity in the U.S. The locations are created from the Environmental Protection Agency Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID). Only facilities adjacent to the coast and Great Lakes are shown. Contained within the data are records that define the fuel source and other characteristics of the facility. In some cases, the presence of a facility may indicate that certain power transmission infrastructure exists nearby. | Energy Generation Facilities Map Service | United States Environmental Protection Agency | Coastal Energy Facilities in United States of different kinds |
Mobile Home Parks | The Mobile Home Parks feature class/shapefile contains locations that represent mobile home, residential trailer, and recreational vehicle (RV) parks within the Continental United States and Alaska. The people residing in these housing types are the most vulnerable residential population to hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and other natural disasters. This feature class/shapefile captures mobile home park locations (to include recreational vehicle (RV) parks) for the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level Data (HIFLD) database. | Mobile Home Parks Map Service | Office of Homeland Security - Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group | Mobile Home Parks locations including mobile home, residential trailer and recreational vehicles in US. |
Child Care Centers | This data is a graphical representation of the listing of licensed active child care centers in NJ. It was created for the State of New Jersey's initiative regarding child care centers near contaminated sites. As of the April 2017 child care center GIS layer revision, non-profit child care centers found in Public Schools (NIPS) are also included in this GIS layer even though they are not required to submit environmental data to the NJDEP for NJDCF licensing. Proposed child care centers are not listed until a NJDCF License number is issued. | Child Care Centers Map Service | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) | Child Care Centers published by NJDEP |
Tidal Water Public Access | The public's right to access tidal waters and their shorelines is a concept that existed prior to the inception of the State of New Jersey and continues to this day. Staff works with municipal governments to develop voluntary Municipal Public Access Plans consistent with the Coastal Permit Program (N.J.A.C. 7:7) and Coastal Zone Management rules (N.J.A.C. 7:7E) in an effort develop Municipal Public Access Plans to enhance public access to tidal waters in a comprehensive manner. This layer represents an inventory of public access points that has been collected to date. As additional public access plans and inventories are developed this layer will be updated. | Tidal Water Public Access Map Service | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) | NJDEP's Administrative Environmental data |
Power Plants of New Jersey | This dataset shows all of the electric generation stations, power plants, above 1 Megawatt capacity in New Jersey, which includes both fossil and renewable energy sources. | Power Plants of New Jersey Map Service | NJDEP Bureau of Energy & Sustainability | Power plants of New Jersey categorized by primary fuel type. |
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Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
Public Schools | This Public Schools feature dataset is composed of all Public elementary and secondary education facilities in the United States as defined by the Common Core of Data (CCD,, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES,, US Department of Education for the 2015-2016 school year. This includes all Kindergarten through 12th grade schools as tracked by the Common Core of Data. Included in this dataset are military schools in US territories and referenced in the city field with an APO or FPO address. DOD schools represented in the NCES data that are outside of the United States or US territories have been omitted. This release includes the addition of 1889 new records, and removal of 1985 records not present in the NCES CCD data. | Public Schools Map Service | Office of Homeland Security - Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group | Public Schools feature dataset is composed of all Public elementary and secondary education facilities in the United States |
Fire Stations | Fire Stations in the United States Any location where fire fighters are stationed or based out of, or where equipment that such personnel use in carrying out their jobs is stored for ready use. Fire Departments not having a permanent location are included, in which case their location has been depicted at the city/town hall or at the center of their service area if a city/town hall does not exist. This dataset includes those locations primarily engaged in forest or grasslands firefighting, including fire lookout towers if the towers are in current use for fire protection purposes. This dataset includes both private and governmental entities. Firefighting training academies are also included. TGS has made a concerted effort to include all fire stations in the United States and its territories | Fire Stations Map Service | Office of Homeland Security - Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group | Fire Stations in the United States |
Hospitals | This feature class/shape file contains locations of Hospitals for 50 US states, Washington D.C., US territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, and Virgin Islands. The dataset only includes hospital facilities based on data acquired from various state departments or federal sources which has been referenced in the SOURCE field. Hospital facilities which do not occur in these sources will be not present in the database. The database does not contain nursing homes or health centers. Hospitals have been categorized into children, chronic disease, critical access, general acute care, long term care, military, psychiatric, rehabilitation, special, and women based on the range of the available values from the various sources after removing similarities. | Hospitals Map Service | Office of Homeland Security - Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group | Locations of Hospitals in the United States |
Law Enforcement Facilities | Law Enforcement Locations in the United States, any location where sworn officers of a law enforcement agency are regularly based or stationed. Law Enforcement agencies "are publicly funded and employ at least one full-time or part-time sworn officer with general arrest powers". This is the definition used by the US Department of Justice - Bureau of Justice Statistics (DOJ-BJS) for their Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey. Although LEMAS only includes non-Federal Agencies, this dataset includes locations for federal, state, local, and special jurisdiction law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement agencies include, but are not limited to, municipal police, county sheriffs, state police, school police, park police, railroad police, federal law enforcement agencies, departments within non law enforcement federal agencies charged with law enforcement (e.g., US Postal Inspectors), and cross jurisdictional authorities (e.g., Port Authority Police). | Law Enforcement Facilities Map Service | Office of Homeland Security - Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group | Law Enforcement Locations in the United States, this dataset includes locations for federal, state, local, and special jurisdiction law enforcement agencies. |
Nursing Home/Assisted Care Facilities | The Nursing Home / Assisted Care feature class/shape file contains facilities that house elderly adults. This feature class’s/shape file’s attribution contains physical and demographic information for facilities in the continental United States and some of its territories. The purpose of this feature class/shape file is to provide accurate locations for high concentrations of elderly adults in the event of a disaster. The attribution within this feature class/shape file was populated via open source methodologies of authoritative sources. During the update cycle for this deliverable, there were 6010 records added. | Nursing Home/Assisted Care Facilities Map Service | Office of Homeland Security - Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group | The Nursing Home / Assisted Care contains physical and demographic information for facilities in the continental United States and some of its territories. |
Evacuation Shelters | The National Shelter System feature class/shape file contains facilities that can house individuals in the event of an issued evacuation for the facilities area. This feature class/shape file’s attribution contains physical, demographic, and capacity information for facilities in the continental United States and some of its territories. The purpose of this feature class/shape file is to provide accurate locations for a potential shelter in the event of a disaster. The facilities included have been designated as a Shelter by either the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or the American Red Cross (ARC) | Evacuation Shelter Map Service | Office of Homeland Security - Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group | The National Shelter System contains physical, demographic, and capacity information for evacuation facilities in the continental United States and some of its territories. |
Historic Preservation Properties | Historic Properties are buildings, sites, structures or objects that are evaluated as historically significant. This dataset represents the polygon boundaries of historic properties that: 1. Are National Historic Landmarks, 2. Are included in the New Jersey or National Registers of Historic Places, 3. Have been determined Eligible for inclusion in the registers through federal or state processes administered by the HPO, 4. Have been designated as Local Landmarks by local government, or 5. Have been identified through cultural resource survey or other documentation on file at the HPO. | Historic Property Map Service | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | NJDEP's Land data |
Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
Hurricane Evacuation Routes | Hurricane Evacuation Routes in the United States. A hurricane evacuation route is a designated route used to direct traffic inland in case of a hurricane threat. This dataset is based on supplied data from Gulf Coast and Atlantic Seaboard states. Each state was contacted by TGS to determine an official source for hurricane evacuation routes. GIS data was gathered from states willing to share such data. All routes identified as primary hurricane evacuation routes were included in this dataset. | Hurricane Evacuation Routes Map Service | Office of Homeland Security - Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group | Primary Hurricane Evacuation Routes in the United States |
National Bridge Inventory (New Jersey) | The National Bridge Inventory is a collection of information (database) describing the more than 600,000 of the Nation's bridges located on public roads December_31_2018, including Interstate Highways, U.S. highways, State and county roads, as well as publicly-accessible bridges on Federal lands. It presents a State by State summary analysis of the number, location, and general condition of highway bridges within each State. | National Bridge Inventory Map Service | U.S. Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Authority | Description for more than 600,000 of the Nation's bridges located on public roads |
North American Rail Lines (New Jersey) | The Rail Network is a comprehensive database of North America's railway system at 1:24,000 to 1: 100,000 scale April_15_2019. The data set covers all 50 States plus the District of Columbia. | North American Rail Lines Map Service | Federal Railroad Administration | Rail Network is a comprehensive database of North America's railway system |
Gas Service Stations | This dataset is updated weekly. Gas Service Stations are points representing the locations of gasoline services stations regulated by NJDEP. The NJDEP New Jersey Environmental Management System (NJEMS) serves as the database that supplies coordinates and descriptive attributes from several tables used to generate this GIS layer. | Gas Service Stations Map Service | New Jersey Office of Strategy Management - NJEMS | NJDEP's Environmental NJEMS data for publication and use in public applications. |
Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
Known Contaminated Sites List | This dataset is updated daily. The Known Contaminated Sites List (KCSNJ) for New Jersey are those sites and properties within the state where contamination of soil or ground water has been confirmed at levels equal to or greater than applicable standards. This list of Known Contaminated Sites may include sites where remediation is either currently under way, required but not yet initiated or has been completed. | Known Contaminated Sites List Map Service | New Jersey Office of Strategy Management - NJEMS | NJDEP's NEMS Data on Known Contaminated Sites in New Jersey |
EPA Cleanup Sites | Accidents, spills, leaks, and past improper disposal and handling of hazardous materials and wastes have resulted in tens of thousands of sites across our country that have contaminated our land, water (groundwater and surface water), and air (indoor and outdoor). EPA and its state and territorial partners have developed a variety of cleanup programs to assess and, where necessary, clean up these contaminated sites. CIMC ( brings together the data from many of these cleanup programs and lets people map, list and access cleanup progress profiles for sites across the US so that people can know what is going on in their communities. | EPA Cleanup Sites Map Service | United States Environmental Protection Agency | EPA Cleanups in My Community Locations (includes Superfund Sites) |
Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
Tidal Marsh | This data layer represents New Jersey tidal marshes. The data were extracted from the NJDEP 2012 Land Use/Land Cover GIS dataset (, then further edited by the Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis (CRSSA), Rutgers University, using 2017 high resolution National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) digital orthophotography for the purposes of the marsh impact/marsh retreat zone modeling and analysis. The data are gridded at a spatial resolution of 10 ft or 3+ m grid cell size. | Tidal Marsh Map Service | Rutger University Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis | Tidal Marsh |
Open Space | NJ Open Space, compiled from a county, state and federal sources. | Open Space Map Service | Rutger University Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis | NJ Open Space |
Marsh Retreat Combined | Tidal marsh retreat, showing baseline and likelihood of conversion for 1-3 ft. sea level rise | Tidal Marsh Retreat Map Service | Rutger University Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis | Tidal marsh retreat |
Marsh Retreat SLR 1 ft. | Tidal marsh retreat, showing baseline and likelihood of conversion for 1 ft. sea level rise | Tidal Marsh Retreat Map Service | Rutger University Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis | Tidal marsh retreat |
Marsh Retreat SLR 2 ft. | Tidal marsh retreat, showing baseline and likelihood of conversion for 2 ft. sea level rise | Tidal Marsh Retreat Map Service | Rutger University Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis | Tidal marsh retreat |
Marsh Retreat SLR 3 ft. | Tidal marsh retreat, showing baseline and likelihood of conversion for 3 ft. sea level rise | Tidal Marsh Retreat Map Service | Rutger University Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis | Tidal marsh retreat |
Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
Social Vulnerability Index - Overall | The Social Vulnerabiltiy Index combines percentile rankings of US Census American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 variables, for the state, at the census tract level and highlight the location of a community’s most vulnerable people. | Overall Social Vulnerability Map Service | Center for Disease Control -Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) | Center for Disease Control's Social Vulnerabiliy Index - Overall Vulnerability |
Social Vulnerability Index - Socio-Economic | The Social Vulnerabiltiy Index combines percentile rankings of US Census American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 variables, for the state, at the census tract level and highlight the location of a community’s most vulnerable people. Socioeconomic Status: Poverty, Unemployed, Per Capita Income, No High School Diploma. | SVI Socio-Economic Map Service | Center for Disease Control -Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) | Center for Disease Control's Social Vulnerabiliy Index - Socio-Economic |
Social Vulnerability Index - Household Composition | The Social Vulnerabiltiy Index combines percentile rankings of US Census American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 variables, for the state, at the census tract level and highlight the location of a community’s most vulnerable people. Household Composition/Disability: Aged 65 and Over, Aged 17 and Younger, Single-parent Household, Aged 5 and over with a Disability. | SVI Household Composition Map Service | Center for Disease Control -Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) | Center for Disease Control's Social Vulnerabiliy Index - Household Composition |
Social Vulnerability Index - Race / Ethnicity / Language | The Social Vulnerabiltiy Index combines percentile rankings of US Census American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 variables, for the state, at the census tract level and highlight the location of a community’s most vulnerable people. Race/Ethnicity/Language: Minority, English Language Ability. | SVI Race/Ethnicity/Language Map Service | Center for Disease Control -Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) | Center for Disease Control's Social Vulnerabiliy Index - Race/Ethnicity/Language |
Social Vulnerability Index - Housing / Transportation | The Social Vulnerabiltiy Index combines percentile rankings of US Census American Community Survey (ACS) 2014-2018 variables, for the state, at the census tract level and highlight the location of a community’s most vulnerable people. Housing/Transportation: Multi-unit, Mobile Homes, Crowding, No Vehicle, Group Quarters. | SVI Housing/Transportation Map Service | Center for Disease Control -Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) | Center for Disease Control's Social Vulnerabiliy Index - Housing/Transportation |
ALICE | ALICE represents working households unable to afford basic necessities. ALICE households have incomes above the Federal Poverty Level, but below the Household Survival Budget (HSB). The HSB calculates the actual cost of basic necessities - housing, child care, food, transportation, health care, technology (smartphones), and taxes - in New Jersey, adjusted for different counties and household types. | ALICE Map Service | United Way of Northern New Jersey | Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed Households |
Homeless Population | The homeless population is calculated via a Point-in-Time (PIT) count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January. This dataset was gathered in January 2018. The count is based on Continuum of Care program geographies. Some Continuum of Care programs cover one county in New Jersey, while other programs cover multiple counties. Map boundaries have been dissolved to show Continuum of Care geographic coverage. | Homeless Population Map Service | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | Homeless Population |
Age of Housing Stock | Housing units built prior to the year 1970 | Housing Stock Map Service | U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey | Housing Units Built Before 1970 |
MRI Distress Score | The Municipal Revitalization Index (MRI) ranks New Jersey’s municipalities according to eight separate indicators that measure diverse aspects of social, economic, physical, and fiscal conditions in each locality. These indicators are: Average annual population change; Children on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; Unemployment rate; Equalized 3-year effective tax rate; Equalized valuation per capita; Per capita income; Substandard housing percentage; Pre-1960 housing percentage. The distress score ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 indicating maximum distress. | MRI Distress Score Map Service | New Jersey Department of Community Affairs | Municipal Revitalization Index Distress Score |
Veteran Population | Veteran status for the civilian population 18 years and older | Veteran Population Map Service | U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey | Veteran Population |
NJDEP Environmental Justice Overburdened Communities | In September 2020, New Jersey adopted a new law (N.J.S.A. 13:1D-157) that requires the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to evaluate the contributions of certain commercial and industrial facilities to existing environmental and public health stressors in overburdened communities when reviewing certain permit applications. The law also directs the Department to publish a list of overburdened communities, at a census block level, based on the following criteria:
Overburdened Communities Feature Service | NJDEP Office of Environmental Justice | Overburdened Communities at Risk |
Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
FEMA Repetitive Loss (RL) Data (New Jersey) | Data represent grant program funding to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) that have had one or more claim payment(s) for flood damages. Loss statistics account for the time period from January 1, 1978 to January 2, 2019. Attributes include Total Building Payment (payment toward building structures), Total Contents Payment (total toward personal contents), and Total Paid (total amount paid on losses). Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency | Repetitive Loss Map Service | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Municipal level data from FEMA Repetitive Loss Program |
FEMA Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Data (New Jersey) | Data represent loss statistics from the National Flood Insurance Program – Severe Repetitive Loss properties provided by FEMA. Loss statistics account for the time period from January 1, 1978 to January 2, 2019. Attributes include Total Building Payment (payment toward building structures), Total Contents Payment (total toward personal contents), and Total Paid (total amount paid on losses). Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency | Severe Repetitive Loss Map Service | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Municipal level data from FEMA Severe Repetitive Loss Program |
FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Loss Statistics | Data represent loss statistics from the National Flood Insurance Program provided by FEMA. Loss statistics account for the time period from January 1, 1978 to September 30, 2018. Attributes include: Total Losses (all losses submitted), Closed Losses (losses that have been paid), Open losses (losses that have not been paid in full), CWOP losses (losses that closed without payment), and Total Payments (total amount paid on losses). Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency | NFIP Loss Map Service | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Municipal level data from FEMA National Flood Insurance Program |
Name | Description | Where to Get It | Significance | |
Map Service | Authoritative Source | |||
Land Use / Land Cover 2015 | This present 2015 update was created by comparing the 2012 LU/LC layer from NJDEP's Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database to 2015 color infrared (CIR) imagery and delineating and coding areas of change. Custom symbology for this dataset was created by the Rutgers Office of Research Analytics ( | Land Use / Land Cover Map Service | New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection | 2015 Land Use/Land Cover |